11 December 2023
The driver is the most important link in efficient transport
As part of a project to promote the driving profession among students of ZSZ No. 2 Mechanik in Mińsk Mazowiecki, Ruta Transport hosted the first group of young people interested in working behind the wheel.
The students learnt about the requirements for candidates for the driving profession, heard about the administrative and operational processes in a transport company, and had the opportunity to talk to Ruta Transport drivers and the company's president, Mr Wojciech Ruta. The young people were able (still as passengers) to enjoy rides on a tractor with a silo on the company's transport centre's manoeuvring area.
In the autumn of 2023, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the Ruta Transport company with the management and teachers of shipping, vocational transport, automotive and mechanical subjects of the Minsk Mechanic. The guests learned about the details of the drivers' work at the transport company, and discussions were held about further cooperation. Ruta Transport has been providing the school's students with practical classes for several years, and several of them have already found permanent employment with the company.
"The driver is the most important link in efficient transport" - reiterates the CEO of Ruta Transport, which is why drivers can feel properly taken care of at the company. The entire Ruta Transport team takes care of both the administrative side of the drivers' work and the proper preparation and equipment of his road set for safe and efficient work.